St. Mary of Mount Carmel Shrine

Manistee | James H. Livingston | Date: 1961 

St. Mary of Mount Carmel Shrine was designed by architect James H. Livingston in 1961. The property is located in Manistee, Michigan.

Livingston partnered with Father Anthony Bourdow to create the design plans for the structure. The main building was designed to follow the form of praying hands, with the hall to the north following the appearance of sand dunes that can be found on the north side of the city.

Construction began during the summer of 1961 and was completed in the winter of 1962.

The buildings sat empty and in disrepair, as it is was no longer being utilized by parishioners. The final mass was held in the building in 2018.

In November 2018, plans were approved to develop the building into a senior center. The Manistee County Council on Aging purchased the building + surrounding property for approximately 10k. Prior to the sale, the parish considered various options, but ultimately decided to donate the building as they didn’t have the funds for maintenance + upkeep.

The property is undergoing extensive renovations in order to accommodate the new facility— which will be renamed ‘The Wagoner Center.’

Image I: Courtesy of Visit Manistee County Michigan


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